The Cultural Center filled with students ready to mingle for the Social Soirée hosted by the Multicultural Student Center on Wednesday afternoon.
The event provided complementary pizza and sticky notes for games that allowed students to get to know each other.
According to the MSC’s official webpage, the Social Soiree is one of many events hosted by the MSC, which was established in 2002 to create a more inclusive campus environment.
Sarah Accius, registered student organization (RSO) and outreach director for MSC, said that the soiree is mainly to get the RSOs to interact with each other.
“Any club that you see housed in the MSC is a registered student organization,” Accius said. “We require them to do at least 10 hours in the space, and they usually separate that by their E-Board members.”
Accius said that she has been working with MSC a lot because of the other organization she is a part of.
“I’m the president of the Caribbean Students Association,” Accius said. “We’ve worked with them a lot and we’ve tabled at their events. We’ve had a long relationship with them.”
The MSC was full of not only members of the RSO, but also students who happened to see the sign outside the room and walked in to see what was being held.
Alyssa Lee-Brown, RSO and outreach director for MSC, said her main reason for joining MSC was the inclusive and welcoming environment, as well as wanting to get more involved with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs.
“I actually started with KORT,” Lee-brown said. “I was looking at all the student campaign agencies, and then KORT is nice. But for me, I wanted to reach more accelerator works and home in on DEI.”
Knights of the Round Table, is a resource to all student organizations and students wanting to find involvement. KORT can help students connect with organizations or start their own, according to Office of Student Involvement.
MSC will be hosting multiple events throughout the semester. They post updates through their Instagram for students to stay informed.
ccius said there were various reasons she decided to join MSC.
“I respected the stuff that they were doing,” Accius said. “Like housing the RSOs for free, always putting on events, and sometimes funding the events that the RSOs do. Then I just wanted something different that I hadn’t explored yet.”
Sophie Kiggins, junior psychology major, said she heard about this event through her friend who said he wanted to check the event out.
“I have been driving with my friend Chris and he was talking about it,” Kiggins said.
Kiggins said she had been wanting to get more involved after transferring from a different college.
“It’s really nice,” Kiggins said. “I’ve been wanting to get involved because it’s a completely new world.”